Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is an electromagnetic emission that causes interference in another electronic device. EMI can be from intentional or unintentional sources, continuous or intermittent, at a single frequency or across a broad range of frequencies. EMI solutions are a crucial element in the design and manufacture of military defense products such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). If a mission-critical system is not protected from EMI, it could malfunction or completely fail, input coordinates can be corrupted, and the communicated information may not be accurate.
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are air vehicles that do not carry a human pilot and are frequently used by the military. These remotely piloted systems are built with electronics susceptible to EMI, including ground control stations, guidance displays, sensors, flight controls, and communication signal translators. Spectrum Control has over five decades of experience in the design of mission-critical systems to suppress or eliminate EMI.
Filtered D-Sub Connectors for UAV Flight Controls: